Elizabeth Hiddleson Individual Patterns

All Elizabeth Hiddleson patterns on this page are $1.00 each or $10.00 per dozen (12), except #325 The Last Supper which is $1.50 but is temporarily out of print right now. The printer did a bad job of splicing the chart, and I would like to get a good chart before I get it reprinted.

The order form is at: http://www.countryyarns.com/toorder.htm

Click the picture to see an enlarged version.

E.H. Cat 5

E.H. Cat 6
E.H. Cat 7

E.H. Cat 8

E.H. Cat 9
E.H. Cat 10

E.H. Cat 11

E.H. Cat 12
E.H. Cat 13

E.H. Cat 14

E.H. Cat 15
E.H. Cat 16

E.H. Cat 17

E.H. Cat 18
E.H. Cat 19